Author: Pei Yee Sam

Liew Rui Yee

Liew Rui Yee
I am so happy that I am the champion of this International Art Competition! I want to thank my parents, teacher and grandmother for their support throughout. I love globalart as I have come a long way in improving my art skills for this competition as well as becoming more imaginative, creative and analytical in my daily life. I was nervous today as I knew competition was high, but I still gave my best and I had fun. My advice to future participants is to always give your best, to never limit your imagination and creativity and to persevere throughout.
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Sheryl Vermont Kwerni

Sheryl Vermont Kwerni
I am excited and proud in being the champion of this International Art Competition! A big thank you to my parents and teacher for their support. I love globalart as it has nurtured my creativity in art as well as boosted my confidence towards this competition day. I believe these traits can help me achieve my dream in the future of becoming an illustrator. Thank you globalart.
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Disha Asuri

Disha Asuri
I feel awesome upon being the champion of this International Art Competition! I would like to thank my parents and my teacher, Angel for always encouraging me! My masterpiece of My Dream City today was of space where I decided to get creative with the different techniques of painting it with a combination of colors. Even though time was short during this competition, I still had fun and I would advise future participants in the next competition to nurture your creativity and to never give up if at first you don’t succeed.
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